Pet travel tips for holidays
More and more people are traveling these days with pets along for the ride simply because the thought of not having their beloved companions with them during holiday festivities is unthinkable!
Knowing that many of our friends will be traveling this holiday season to visit family and friends we thought it might be handy to provide some information that will make your travels a lot easier on both mind and body.
Air Travel
Often times people have arrived at the airport to check in with Fido or fluffy in tow only to find that they are turned away because of the guidelines have not been met to the airlines satisfaction. So there you are stuck and unable to board with your pet and unable to see through your frustration to figure out what to do next. While unforeseen problems do happen, a proper way to ensure this nightmare before Christmas won’t be part of yours is to take a few moments at home and go online with a nice hot cup of cider. Go to the airline website and print out 2 copies of the Pet Travel Guidelines from the exact airline your traveling with. This is important because each carrier’s restrictions may vary. Stick one copy on your fridge for quick reference and handy checklist. The other copy should be filed with your itinerary, documentation and tickets that you will be carrying with you. This is an easy way to ensure you haven’t overlooked anything. As an extra precaution you can call the airline to make sure there haven’t been any unexpected changes due to security updates.
- Most airlines limit you to two (2) animals per flight per person. Each animal must be at least 8 weeks old and in good health. For cabin travel (which is highly recommended) keep in mind most airlines require the animal to be no heavier than 22 pounds,18 inches in or less in length and 11 inches maximum in height. Again check with your carrier for specific details and weights.
- A current valid overall Health Certificate issued by a licensed
vet within 30 days of travel is required. (7 to 10 days of departure is
suggested just to be safe) Include documentation of immunizations such as rabies If you’re leaving the country ask about any potential health risks your pet may be exposed to so you may get any additional vaccinations or parasite control. - Proper transport carriers include sufficient room and ventilation.
Make sure you check that your pet’s carrier meets the proper specifications. (Size, strength, safety etc.). - Proper Identification secured to your pet is such a small detail that can make the biggest difference. Make sure your pet tags are current with the correct information such as name address and phone. If you are spending the holiday at a friends or relatives home you may want to consider getting a temporary second tag with that local address and phone along with your cell phone number to ensure quick contact just in case the new surroundings get the best of your pet’s curiosity.
- Do a little checking on the area you will be staying. A local vet
is always good to have handy for emergencies. A pet friendly hotel isn’t a bad idea to have on hand discreetly…just incase you end up sharing a room with Aunt Vera and her snoring is causing sleep deprivation! Ahh you gotta love your family! - Always take your canine pal out for some exercise and a bit of play before you leave for the airport as they will be confined for a period of time.
When traveling by car you obviously have a lot more control over the situation and this reason alone this method of transport recommended when possible. Keep in mind when packing the car for your road trip that you leave ample room for your pet to be comfortable. Bring along plenty of food, water and comfy bedding. If your pet is on any medications or supplements put them in a place that’s easy to get to.
- Don’t let your pet loose in the car during the drive. At least provide a crate or fit your dog with a harness that connects right into the seat belt system.
- For your pets own comfort you should plan ahead and purchase these things in advance so you can familiarize yourself and your pet with a sort of “trial run”. This is especially beneficial if your pet is not used to car travel or long trips.
- As we mentioned in a previous Blog,(minimizing holiday stress) staying at different locations, gatherings and holiday celebrations can be stressful on your pet. It’s a good idea to take along a favorite toy and familiar bedding to set up a peaceful area for them to retreat to and sleep.
- Stick to your normal routine as best you can. Keeping feeding times and outings the same will alleviate a lot of anxiety.
- Make sure your friends and family are expecting ALL of you. Don’t ever assume they know your bringing your pets. Also having a simple conversation to go over the “rules” of the house as well as any requests you may have in regards to your pal will eliminate any tensions before they begin.
Remember our pets are very intuitive and pick up on your vibes be it positive or negative so stay calm! If you let the chaos or Cousin Rita’s constant backhanded compliments get to you your pet will notice and it will affect them as well.
We want all your holidays’ events to be merry and as smooth as possible so in addition the site Pet is a fantastic resource that gives up to date info on airline policies, immigration rules and listings of pet friendly hotels. They also provide a toll free number you can add to your mobile for quick reference 877 241 0184.
Happy Travels Everyone! Say hi to Aunt Vera for us!
One added note for last minute shoppers! We are so pleased to announce that Beasty Feast is offering Zen Belly’s Holiday Gift at their Hudson Street location here in NYC. So if you’re in the area stop in and say hi!
It’s not too late to order online for our friends out of town so don’t worry you can
still get our confections in time for Christmas!