Category Archives: General

Summer fun and hazard prevention
Summer is the time most people associate with fun, sun, vacations and more time to spend with the family. Local parks, boardwalks and streets fill up with people and their pets just out enjoying the days. We love this time of year, it’s always fun to stroll along and meet new friends!
Taking advantage of the warm weather and longer days is what summer is all about, however it’s important to be mindful of the hot temperatures. It has become second nature to carry water everywhere as we know the importance of hydration. It is just as urgent you are aware of the hazards the heat has on your pets and you must make it a priority to keep your dog cool!
The most common summer hazards include dehydration, heat stroke and sunburn, all of which can be prevented with a little extra TLC! Below are a few essential things to know about summer heat and hazard prevention. Most importantly, be aware of your dog’s behavior. You know your dog best so you would be the first person to spot any signs of unusual reactions or illness. If you have any doubts, call your Vet right away.
We know you all know this, yet despite the warnings every year there are so many dogs that get ill or even die as a result of being left alone in automobiles. This is just heartbreaking and so unnecessary! The temperatures inside the vehicle can rise in minutes to very dangerous levels even if it doesn’t seem that warm out. The simple way to avoid any problems is to leave your pet home. If there is a reason that your pet must come along for the ride, call a friend or family member to come with you so they can stay with your pet either in the running car with climate control, or in a shady spot in a nearby area. Always have fresh cool water on hand.
Summer is a fantastic time to spend quality time outside with your pet. Just be aware of the temperatures, sun and your pet’s behavior. The best times for those easy strolls are early in the morning and evening when it is cooler. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, aside from heat stroke; dogs can get sunburn just like us! Sunscreen is advised. In addition be aware of the hot pavement and make sure you protect those paws! An easy way to tell if the pavement is too hot is to put your barefoot down and take a few steps. If it is uncomfortable for you, it will probably be uncomfortable for them! On extremely hot days avoid too much activity. Over exercising and long walks can be dangerous and put your pet at high risk of dehydration and heat stroke. No matter how long you plan on being outdoors always have a shady spot in mind and plenty of fresh cool water.
Not all dogs are excellent swimmers so stay close by when your dog is out playing in the ocean, lakes or deeper pools. Don’t allow your dog to drink the water. Ponds and lakes can contain bacteria and parasites. Salt water can cause diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Any activities that require you to wear a life vest is a good indication that your pet should have one too! Always bring along plenty of fresh, cool water.
Unfortunately we are not the only ones that take advantage of the warm weather! The more time you spend outside the more risk you run to expose you and your pets to many kinds of parasites. We encourage keeping your dog on a flea control and heartworm regimen. This will help avoid flea problems and infection due to mosquitos which are known to carry many diseases, heartworm being one of them. ALWAYS check your pet for ticks after every outdoor excursion! We cannot stress that enough. It takes just a few minutes to do a thorough inspection. Diligence can prevent a host of disasters, lyme disease being the most common.
Armed with the right information, taking preventative steps and remaining aware will give you the upper hand in the battles you face during the summer months. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the wonderful weather and get out there with your best furry friends and have some fun!
Don’t forget the water!!

The Scoop on Training Treats
A common question we receive is; does Zen Belly make treats for training?
Since we have no formal skill in training dogs, we never really felt comfortable in recommending anything specific. This was frustrating so we decided to do something about it…get answers!
Like anything these days you can search for an answer and find a pretty good argument for complete opposite solutions. Again, very frustrating! However if you are willing to put the time in and speak to several professionals and seek out your own information, you can arrive at a reasonable answer that works for you.
What we found in our research was using food as positive reinforcement in training varies with each animal. Just like people, dogs have preferences as well. While one dog may be over the moon about a specific treat another dog may show little to no interest in.
So it really does take a little experimenting to find the right fit for you and your pet. We suggest you do the trial and error at home before you get to the training class to find the new fabulous treat you just bought is not a hit.
It is suggested for best results you should work with a variety of treats that can be put into 3 grades from lowest to highest value (like to most liked). The high grade treat can be the one your dog loves. The treat that your dog goes bonkers when you take it out! You can then use kibble as the lower grade treat. Your dog will quickly learn that each treat has a different task value.
The only issue that might come in to play using the high valued treat to get your dog to complete a more complex task is the idea that your dog will become too hyped about the treat to stay focused on the task at hand so in some case a lesser valued treat will work much better.
The option here could be to keep a tub in the fridge full of a variety of rewards from cubed bits of raw or cooked steak, cheese, sliced hot dogs, kibble and any of your dog’s favorite biscuits broken into pieces this way it’s a more random pick and your dog will wonder what’s next.
A variety of textures is also suggested. You might like to have both soft and crunchy treats. The softer treats play an important role during the training because the dog can consume the treat quickly and not take too much time away from the trainer or the task.
Most “training treats” are tiny bits which makes you the consumer think they have to be. Not true! Although the work has been done for you and that’s nice, it’s not mandatory. There’s no reason you can’t take any treat your dog loves and use it for training. Simply just break them in pieces or if they are softer , slice them in half or into quarters, taking into consideration the size of the dog.
You don’t want to reward ANY size dog with a huge biscuit after every task because you do need to maintain a healthy weight and you want to insure a well- balanced diet. We prefer an all- natural diet and in today’s market it’s not hard to find several options of credible brands to choose from.
More and more people are becoming aware of what’s in their pet’s food and take the time to check the labels to insure the ingredients are what they think they should be. A larger selection of natural treats are also available, just keep in mind with all natural products they have a shorter shelf life because they are free from chemicals and artificial preservatives. The health benefits however are well worth it! (See our April 12 blog for helpful tips on finding the right food for your pet)
Our cookies and confections are made simply for the enjoyment of your dog! We have no specific “training treat” however there is no reason you couldn’t use them for that purpose. Any of our minis would work very easily but our larger cookies can do the job just as well. All that really matters is that your dog loves them (* For information and advice on training seek out a professional)

Help Is Out There Part 2 (The low cost Vet Mobile)
As promised, help for anyone in NYC who is finding visits to the vet too costly to manage presently there is a solution!
The Low Cost Vet Mobile is a much needed and welcome service for cash strapped New Yorkers. Founded in 2009 the LCVM operates 4 days a week making its rounds to 4 boroughs. While they do not provide spay/neuter services this nonprofit offers so many other needed services and they do it all with a smile, compassion and full on commitment to their clients. They usually start the day between 10 and 1030am rain or shine and they take clients on a first come first serve basis.
You may want to be prepared to wait awhile but it’s well worth it and who of us haven’t sat in a doctor’s office for 2 hours in an empty waiting room wondering if they forgot about us and went golfing?! This is definitely one of those places that it is in your best interest to get there early if you would like to avoid a wait, however just like any place else it depends on the day and nothings guaranteed except they WILL see you.
Typically exams are $25 and then follow up visits are $15 NO I AM NOT KIDDING YOU! Vaccines $20, nail trim and ear cleaning run about $5. They are also equipped to do blood work, dentistry, ultrasounds, surgery and more.
Tuesdays they can be found in front of or close to the Bronx ACC (Animal Care and Control) Fordham Plaza.
Wednesdays near Brooklyn ACC – 2336 Linden blvd between Shepard and Essex Street,
Fridays and Saturdays near the Manhattan ACC 111th street and 1st Avenue.
Also the first Sunday of every month you can find them in North Harlem at 155th
street and 8th Ave right across from the subway station.
The Companion Animal Network Hotline number is 718-353-1878.
You can leave a message and they will return every call within 48 hours. Check them out on Facebook@LowCostVetMobile for more information and follow on twitter for updates at twitter@LowCostVetVan
If you are not a resident of New York and are in need of assistance check out our link on Facebook for the Humane Society of the United States. You can find the closest help to your area or go to their website at

Help Is Out There
Caring for your pet has always been second nature. Unfortunately many people all over the country are finding unexpected financial circumstances are putting them between a rock and a hard place. Keeping up with the daily necessities are tough enough, finding the added expenses of medical care feels nearly impossible! Feeling defeated some people think they have no other option than to do the unthinkable…give up their trusted companion. That is heartbreaking and a devastating loss for everyone involved. We want to tell you there is always hope! We are determined to help anyone that is feeling like the weight of a financial burden is making it difficult to support their pet. There are organizations out there that want to help you keep your pet or stray as opposed to giving them up to a city shelter. With a little spare time, go online and check out the resources available to the state you live in. You will be amazed at what you can find, here is a great place to start:
Pets for Life New York City (formerly the safety net program) is another great resource! They provide free and low cost services to those in need as an alternative to pet surrender. Free and reduced cost behavior training, vet care, boarding and more for people in life crisis such as eviction, fire, domestic violence, hospitalization, pet behavioral issues, lack of pet care knowledge, landlord – tenant disputes and other problems.
PFLNYC is committed to working through each client’s problems in an effort to keep families and their animals together by offering a full spectrum of support and services. For more information visit the website or call the hotline at 917-468 -2938
Please keep in mind these resources are for people that are in extreme circumstances and are committed to keeping their pets. For more information on low cost vet care for people that are not in emergency situations but are still need of assistance check out our blog from February 3, 2012 AResponsible Pet Owners Month@ The Low Cost Vet Mobile makes it rounds throughout the NYC boroughs 4 days a week and offers low cost vet care on a first come first serve basis. The LCVM Hotline provides location information, hours of operation and fees and
services. They can be reached at 718-353-1878.
We will have more information next week.
Summer is coming and it’s important your pets are up to date with their vaccinations! The LCVM is definitely the answer to your prayers if moneys tight. It’s a win for everyone!
If you happen to be one of the “lucky” ones that has not been affected by the current economy, you can look at this information as a way to help give back. These organizations and support services are ALWAYS in need and looking for donations and in some cases volunteers. Any support would be greatly appreciated and used to its full potential.
That you can count on!

Be Kind To Animals Week
An annual tradition since 1915, the American Humane Association’s Be Kind To Animals Week is a great way to celebrate our pets and animals everywhere!
Today BKTAW is observed by thousands of animal shelters all
over the country. Throughout the week of May 6-12 media events that promote education on humane treatment , reminding people that both domestic and wild animals deserve our respect and teaching our children appropriate behavior when interacting with animals are the messages at the forefront of this organization.
The American Humane Association is known for being a voice for neglected and abused children and animals. Through there work they continue to educate and promote better human animal relations. This special event celebrates how far we have come in becoming responsible pet owners and keeping the importance of respecting our furry neighbors prominent.
Always be a voice, speak out for animals. Report abuse. Take care of your pet and teach and encourage children how to develop a gentle, respectful relationship with all creatures.

The Puppy Party
The wonderful spring breeze gave NYC the perfect Sunday afternoon to host the Zen Belly Puppy Party! The Upper East Side was alive and buzzing and for many people out enjoying the day with their furry companions, Dylan’s Candy Bar on 60th street and 3rd Ave was a pleasant surprise to stumble upon. With April being “Animal Prevention Cruelty Month”we had a great time wrapping it up with a celebration in honor of all our furry friends.
Zen Belly Canine Cookies and Confections in collaboration with Dylan’s Candy Bar showed their support on April 29 with the Zen Belly Puppy Party, inviting any and all to attend and we would like to express our sincerest appreciation to everyone who came to show their support and make the day a success.
Appearances by Zen Belly the Dog and Vanilla the Bunny were met with smiles, giggles and a few rambunctious puppies! Awareness Ribbon Cookies were made special for the event to keep the focus present yet still allowing for a fun casual atmosphere along with a variety of signature treats courtesy of Zen Belly Canine Cookies and Confections.
Dylan Lauren and her puppy Jersey also took time out to stop by and indulge in some fun and “dog sweets.” Sabra was certainly a scene stealer as well, brought by mom Lauren Ulstad. What made the event so wonderful was all the new friends we made that day, with and without fur!
We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. If you missed out don’t feel
too bad, just check in for the next planned event or email us at and we will keep you informed. We encourage everyone to continue to spread the word on Animal Cruelty Prevention and encourage animal adoption all year round.
We would also like to take a moment to express our gratitude to Dylan’s Candy
Bar and the very helpful staff that without whom the event would have been
possible..Lauren, Katie, Aundre, Will and of course “Vanilla” the bunny.
Last but not least we would like to congratulate Lori Carter for winning the online Zen Belly gift basket. Congratulations to Destiny Burns who won the in store Zen Belly gift raffle. We hope your furry family members enjoy them and thank you so much for offering your support by participating! Come back and visit us again at
The atmosphere was fun and energetic on Sunday but on any given day you walk into the store the buzz throughout immediately puts a smile on your face. You find yourself fighting the urge to run around like a child unable to contain themselves in this candy wonderland! You can also be sure you can find an assortment of selected Zen Belly canine cookies and confections at Dylan’s Candy Bar flagship store on 60th street and 3rd avenue. So if you have yet to visit, stop by and grab a sweet for you and your furry pal! For a complete selection of the Zen belly line visit us at
A fun day indeed!

Zen Belly Puppy Party
April is Prevention of animal Cruelty month so in honor of all of our
furry friends everywhere
Zen Belly is joining forces with Dylan’s Candy Bar to host
the Zen Belly Puppy Party!
Come join us for a fun afternoon and meet Zen Belly and Chocolate the Bunny!
Free Zen Belly Confections will be given out and a chance to win a Zen
Belly gift box that includes a pound of cookies for your beloved pal!
Check out our facebook page for more information on how to enter!
Sunday April 29th 1-3pm
PLACE: Dylan’s Candy Bar
1011 3rd Ave @ 60th street, NYC, NY. 10021
This event is to raise awareness and keep the well being of animals a
top priority everywhere all year round! So come show your support and
have a little fun too! There will be plenty Zen Belly Cookies for your furry pals and Dylan’s Candy Bar is a “candy” wonderland that can cater to any human sweet tooth!
We would love to see you all there so stop by!

Helpful tips on finding the right food for your pet.
With so many different brands out there trying to decide which pet food is the right fit for your pet can be difficult. It is enough to drive you crazy and can be downright confusing! The best way to begin your search for a potential match is to make it “personal”. Keep in mind the individual needs of your pet, after all who knows them better than you? Age, nutritional needs, health issues, etc.
When shopping, remember the ingredient list is just like the ingredient list on human food labels, ingredients are listed in descending order. The bulk of the food will be made up of the first 3 ingredients. It is advisable to have a named protein source as the first ingredient, such as chicken, beef or lamb, not just “meat.”
The old saying “you get what you pay for” sadly applies here in many cases. Cheap pet foods use cheap ingredients, have poor quality control, are not well digested, and may have excesses or deficiencies in vital nutrients causing harm to your pet. They also often do not meet the standards of quality they claim on the labels. So it is always recommended you stick with a quality brand to insure the proper nutrition for your pet.
Taking the time to read the labels makes all the difference! You will be astonished at how much you can figure out on your own just from reading them. It’s almost like an “AHA” moment when you for instance read the ingredients and find a list of things you cannot pronounce and think I wouldn’t want to eat this so why would my pet?! You couldn’t be more right!
So a simple rule of thumb when scanning the ingredients list should be that the first ingredient should be Meat, as this is the primary ingredient. Do not mistake “meat by products” as the same thing. It’s not and if that is what’s listed as the primary ingredients it is best to keep moving.
Vegetables and rice should be the secondary ingredients. Once again, avoid any by product, meal or other weird sounding items. Simply put if you don’t know what it is it is likely you don’t want to eat it.
Beware of preservatives such as BHA, butylated hydroxyanisole and BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene. They are by used some dog food manufacturers. According to some dog nutrition experts, these chemicals may be carcinogenic.
Vitamins E & C can be used as natural preservatives and are far healthier for your dog. In addition, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which fights the formation of free radicals and the guards against the onset of cancer in dogs.
Check the label for the AAFCO guarantee. The Association of American Feed Control Officials works to insure uniform standards for dog food nationwide. It has a long way to go but at least it’s a start!
Check the expiration date.
Inform yourself, stay updated and always read the labels! Anything that sounds suspicious probably is! A simple way to look at it is if you wouldn’t eat it why should they? They deserve the same care and attention to their diets that we put into ours. The benefits of a healthy well balanced diet are so essential to a
healthy, happy pet so keep them healthy and happy! It’s that simple.

Take Care of those paws
With the weather being so unpredictable, you need to be prepared for everything!
One thing that faces risk no matter how cold or hot it is outside is your dog’s paws.
The toughest part of your dog’s skin are the foot pads and for good reason they take on a lot of wear and tear. Their main function is to absorb the shock and pressure on the joints be it standing, walking or running.
Most of us have a regular regime to care and maintain our pets so adding an extra few minutes for paw inspection is easy and can avoid a whole host of problems. This is especially important for all you urban dwellers with all the unexpected changes and potential hazards all over the city. It’s as simple as making sure nothing is stuck between their toes, their pads are clean and there are no visible wounds or abrasions. In addition, be aware of the nail length. Fortunately for most city dogs the pavement will keep them at a comfortable healthy length with regular exercise but it’s essential you inspect them frequently to ensure there is no overgrowth. Nails that are too long can cause a lot of discomfort and leave the door open for injury. We do not suggest clipping overgrown nails on your own if you’re not accustomed to doing so. There are veins inside that you can sever and along with the discomfort the bleeding can be excessive. The best way to prevent nail overgrowth is to be observant. If you find that regular exercise is not enough, use a large thick emery board and go over the nails once a week. If you find your dog is resistant as some are, just try and work on one or two nails in a sitting this way it’s not too overwhelming. Just a few strokes will make a difference and prevent the nails from getting too long. If you have any concern that the nails may be overgrown and are causing pain contact your vet.
Some obvious symptoms of a paw injury can include limping, holding the paw off the ground, pad discoloration, excessive licking or chewing of the paw and raw spots and bleeding. If your dog is showing any of these signs, then you need to find the cause. Before you even begin to tackle any discomfort on an injured dog, take proper precautions because even mild mannered dogs can bite if he or she’s in pain and you start poking around. Having another person your dog is comfortable with to assist is a good way to take the focus off you but if that’s not an option a muzzle is a good way to protect yourself from getting bit.
The footpads contain blood vessels, so even a superficial cut can result in what seems like a lot of bleeding. The bleeding should stop soon after the wound is treated, if it doesn’t then contact your vet.
For treating abrasions and small cuts, clean the wound with an anti-bacterial wash and wrap the paw with a light bandage. A simple way to stop your dog from licking and chewing at the bandage is to put a “funnel” or “Elizabethan” collar around their neck for a few days.
Dogs sweat through their footpads, so bandages will moisten within a couple of days. Moist bandages slow down healing and can cause infection, so it is important to check it often and change to a clean bandage every two to three days. Most cuts should heal within a few days, depending on the size. If it
doesn’t and /or you are concerned for any reason contact your vet. For deep paw lacerations, there’s a good chance stitches will be needed so we suggest you take your dog to your vet for the proper treatment. A splint is also routine, because without it when your dog puts the paw on the floor, the pad will spread from their body weight which will likely reopen the cut. This will obviously disrupt the healing process and leaves the wound open for infection.
A dog’s pads can burn and blister from walking on hot pavement or sand. If you look at your dog’s pad there will either be loose skin off the pad itself, or it will have detached leaving a red, ulcerated patch. To treat this simply applies anti-bacterial wash and cover the paw with a bandage until the pad has healed. If your dog has a loose flap of skin on the
pad you need to wait for this to come off, it will on its own or you can go have your vet trim it off. Dog’s pads are naturally rough, this allows them traction to turn, sprint off and stop quickly. If the pads become cracked there is the potential to collect debris, which can cause further injury to the pad. Pads can be moisturized using a special foot pad cream made especially for paws. Common household moisturizers and lotions can soften the pads too much and can put them at risk so it’s best to avoid them.
The most common problem is foreign objects stuck in between the toes. Burrs, pebbles, pieces of glass, dried mud and your dog’s matted fur are the most typical. Most of these can easily be removed with a pair of tweezers or your fingers and a clean cloth. Matted fur can be easily trimmed with shears.
Always contact your vet if you are unsure of the cause of the injury, if you are not comfortable treating the injury on your own, if the wound doesn’t seem to be healing, or if your dog’s paw becomes swollen.
Keep your yard clear of sharp objects. Be mindful when you are out to avoid hazards such as broken glass and other debris, walking on graveled areas for long periods of time, hot pavements in the summer and salts in the winter. Simply put, if it don’t look like a place you would like to walk with your feet chances are they won’t either!

February – Responsible Pet Owners Month
For those of you that didn’t know, February is Responsible Pet Owners Month! A month chock full of great opportunities to celebrate your relationships with all of your furry friends. Throughout the year there are all types of obscure animal friendly days but a whole month WOW! We have really come a long way and that should make everyone feel good because chances are us “little people” are the ones who have made it happen, so well done!
The idea was conceived initially to keep the focus on the importance of having your pets spayed and neutered. There are millions of cats and dogs in shelters due to over population. Spaying and neutering not only helps control animal population but it also plays a big role in helping to prevent many types of ailments and diseases. So make this month the reason to make that a priority if you haven’t already. Encourage friends and family who have pets to do the same. It really is the humane thing to do.
Responsible Pet Owners Month is a great time to take a moment an re-evaluate your relationship with your pet. Is there anything you can do to make it better for the both of you? Maybe you might want to take a look at what your feeding your pet. It’s normal to get into a routine and/or stick with one brand of food. Fortunately there are so many high quality foods on the market today that are very reasonable. There are also so many choices which may at first seem overwhelming but can actually make it so much easier to sort of “personalize” your pet’s diet. Some geared toward the extra calories say a puppy would need, whereas older pets and seniors would benefit from a more refined diet or emphasis on something more specific like healthy joints. Your pet’s diet is essential to their well-being so in giving a quick read through of the back panel of your current food of choice you might find it’s time for a change. Keep in mind that before you make any major changes you should talk to your Vet and let them know what your thoughts and concerns are. Aside from yourself your Vet is probably the one who knows your pet best and may have some great suggestions.
Grooming, diet and exercise gives your pet the proper tools to maintain a healthy immune system and protect against various diseases and viruses but are your vaccinations up to date? They are just as important in that they can prevent a problem before it happens just by staying current.
Another simple but important thing that gets overlooked often is ID tags. It’s a good idea to check to make sure your pet’s collar is in good shape, none of the tags have been lost and they are all easily readable and up to date with the proper license and personal information.
We know our friends here are responsible guardians all year round but we think there is always room for improvement. So support Responsible Pet Owners Month, the month of February, by making a big change, a small change or just continuing to be a great companion and spreading the word and some helpful information to someone you know who may need it.
These days we understand how difficult it can be to manage expenses and come out with any spare cash. We know so many people who because of this only have had to resort to minimizing there visits to the Vet and/or only go when they see signs of a problem. Sadly with the state of things many people are finding they are doing the same for themselves. Our first suggestion is that you find a Vet you are happy and comfortable with and stick with them! This makes things so much easier for you, your pet and your Vet! Familiarity builds and often a bond forms and trust follows. Your Vet gets to know you and your pet and this is invaluable. While we understand that visits are not cheap, jumping around to different clinics really doesn’t save much and in the long run may end up costing more. Don’t be so quick to dismiss the idea of explaining your situation. Swallow your pride and just spill it! You may find your Vet is more than willing to work with you. So many Vets are in it heart and soul and they might surprise you!
We have had personal experiences, where i was able to pay off a bill in installments, have been given a special rate and even had one so gracious as to allow a call or email directly for advice to avoid the office visit altogether! So we really encourage you to just find the right place for you and be up front. Wonders never cease!
There is also a wealth of information online that can direct you to so many wonderful, credible organizations that do low cost and in some cases free spay/ neuter surgeries. Check out the Humane Society, the ASPCA, and Animal Alliance, for more information.
Now for one of New York’s best kept secrets; “The Low Cost Vet Mobile”, this has been a godsend and much needed and welcome service for cash strapped New Yorkers. Founded in 2009 the LCVM operates 4 days a week making its rounds to 4 boroughs. While they do not provide spay/neuter services this nonprofit offers so many other needed services and they do it all with a smile, compassion and full on commitment to their clients. They usually start the day between 10 and 1030am rain or shine and they take clients on a first come first serve basis. You may want to be prepared to wait awhile but it’s well worth it and who of us haven’t sat in a doctor’s office for 2 hours in an empty waiting room wondering if they forgot about us and went golfing?! This is definitely one of those places that it is in your best interest to get there early if you would like to avoid a wait, however just like any place else it depends on the day and nothings guaranteed except they WILL see you. Typically exams are $25 and then follow up visits are $15…NO I AM NOT KIDDING YOU! Vaccines $20, nail trim and ear cleanings run about $5. They are also equipped to do blood work, dentistry, ultrasounds, surgery and more. Tuesdays they can be found in front of or close to the Bronx ACC (Animal Care and Control) Fordham Plaza. Wednesdays near Brooklyn ACC Linden blvd and Essex Street, Fridays and Saturdays near the Manhattan ACC 111th street and 1st Avenue. Check them out on facebook@LowCostVetMobile” for more information and locations or call them at 718 544-PETS (7387) Follow on twitter for updates at twitter@LowCostVetVan .
There’s a lot more going on for our canine pals in February so let’s be thankful for all the good people out there, yourselves included that push and work so hard to make things happen, bring about awareness that leads to change for the well-being of all of our furry friends! Consider this month a celebration for all of you responsible guardians and loving companions out there!
So just a quick list of the individual days in addition to the month of February as a whole to keep you informed:
You can bet we will have more on this! For now make some notes on your calendar and tell a friend. Our animals deserve better and it is a wonderful feeling to know more and more people agree and are not willing to just hope something changes…This dizzying, busy month just proves people everywhere are making changes!
If there is anyone who wants to promote a local organization or knows of something planned for any one of these special days please feel free to post it on our Facebook page..EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Happy Tails!